Andrey completed his bachelors in Mass Media and Digital Communications with the specialisation in video production at UNIC Nicosia, by publishing a short-film script called “Running” based in Cyprus.
He continued by taking every occupation in his field that he had the opportunity to, which are cinematographer, photographer, AD, PA, casting agent, location scouter, grip and gaffer; working for both domestic and international productions. Andrey’s acting career is in full features, shorts, tv-series, commercials and music videos.
His work with teenagers and young adults include being an assistant of Catherine Beger at Little Muse Young People’s Theatre, assistant of judo trainer Sasha Jankovic, a counsellor in the Leadership Program at Village Camps York, and being the sole instructor of the MMA & Self-Defence Club at UNIC.
Since 2020 he started providing marketing consultations, as well as diving deep into the exponentially growing market of cryptocurrencies on the blockchain technology.
Being an avid writer and learner, he settled his purpose in life on promoting faith in humanity, through a series of original videos and posts on social media. Currently Andrey is in the process of publishing a self-help journal called “Success Planner” and starting a scheduled Twitch stream named “Morning Cold Shower + Morning Deep Breathing”.