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body art workshops

where art is a form of expression

Let's make science relevant to our children's lives with some simple practical activities using body art. We are inviting young people aged 8-19 years old and their parents or guardians to join interactive workshops to create a symbol that represents their identity, passions, interests, artistic choice, cultural or family significance or most treasured memories.

These age-appropriate activities will be divided between 2 age categories of 8-12 yo and 13-19 yo. The younger kids will be provided with suitable colourful markers which will allow them to collaborate creatively while ensuring safety and fun. Teens will use tattoo machines with pen tips so they get to experience a more advanced and creative aspect of body artistry, whilst also maintaining safety. The workshops are run by the celebrity tattoo artist Friday Jones (NYC) and multi-award winning tattoo artist Andreas Vronti (Cyprus)



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Natalia Iacovidou, Project Manager

tel: +357 99 810 360

For any questions regarding participation please contact Natalia Iacovidou today